Around The World In Stories

All Around the Americas in  Stories!  From Johnny Apple Seed, to Brer’ Rabbit, to way out west with Coyote. Lets take a mini tour of the USA!

All Around Asia in Stories!   Many countries are part of Asia. Stories from Japan, China, Korea and   India are included on our adventure through the orient!

All Around Austrailia in Stories!  Good Day! & Good Stories! Koku introduces you to her friends from the “Land Down Under”. Kangaroo, Crocodile, Koala and Sloth all have a story to tell.

Animals of the Anartic!  Antartica  is a cool place. So cold, that there aren’t any people to create folktales; But  Whales, and penguins, and polar-bears of the Anartic make good characters for chilli stories!

New Year! Old Stories! From the Old Country!  From the Brother’s Grimm Hansel & Gretel, to Hans Christian Anderson’s Ugly Ducking. Koku travels across Europe to tell some of the stories we grew up with.

All Around Africa in Stories!  Mama Koku treks all over the Mother Land collecting and telling stories.

Tall Tales and Large Lies!  From Pecos Bill, to John Henry! These stories and legends stretch beyond our imaginations!

Bunnies & Rabbits & Hares! OH MY!  So many rabbits! So many stories.! Peter Rabbit, Brer Rabbit and the Tortoises rival help us spring into stories with a great big bunny hop!

Me Gustan Las Historias!   I like Stories! Whether it’s Mexico , or South America, Spanish Folktales are muy bueno!  All stories are told in Ingles with a little Espanol on the side.